Payment Policy

Estimates: All services will begin with a free estimate. After assessing the damage, we will provide a detailed quote for the necessary services.
Payment Terms: Full payment is due upon completion of services. We accept cash, check, and all major electronic payments.
Financing: For larger jobs, we offer financing options. Please contact our office for more details.

Refund Policy
Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand by our work. If you are not satisfied with our services, please contact us within 7 days of job completion.
Refunds: Refunds will be issued on a case-by-case basis. If the issue cannot be resolved through a repeat service or repair, a partial or full refund may be issued.
Non-refundable: Please note that emergency call-out fees and purchased materials are non-refundable.

Damage Repair Services
Mold Removal: Our team of experts will assess the extent of the mold damage and work efficiently to remove the mold and prevent future growth.
Water Damage Repair: We will extract the water, dry out the area, and repair any damage caused by water intrusion.
Fire Damage Repair: Our team will clean up and repair damage caused by fire and smoke, as well as any water damage caused by firefighting efforts.

Please note that this is a basic policy and may need to be adjusted based on local laws and the specific needs of your business.

What Type of Work Do You Need?

At Kelly's Recycling Service INC, we specialize in addressing critical property issues caused by water damage, fire incidents, and mold infestations. Whether your home or business has suffered from flooding, fire-related destruction, or mold growth, our team is equipped to restore your property to its original state. Our comprehensive services include thorough inspections, efficient water extraction, dehumidification, sanitation, and, if necessary, reconstruction. We understand the urgency of these situations and prioritize safety, health, and structural integrity. Trust us to handle your restoration needs with expertise and care.

For any Queries

It takes time and the right equipment to clean up any type of residential or commercial damage. We help homeowners and property managers with our disaster mitigation experts.

With thousands of restoration companies covering 95% of the continental United States, it couldn’t be easier to find an experienced and reliable contractor. If you need restoration services, call now to get in touch with one of our local contractors.

Our on-call restoration line always offer 24-hour emergency services, 60-minute response time, and a free estimate on all restoration services.